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Vendor Capability based on membership or on vendor group.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Groups & Staffs Vendor Capability based on membership or on vendor group.

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  • Author
    • #104758
      Michael Slav

      Membership> defines prices and charges. Attach a group to membership to set capabilities for this membership.
      Vendor can be attached to groups with defined capabilities.

      It seems that vendor can assigned to 1 membership but many groups, why??

      Let say vendor V1 subscribed to a membership M1 and group G1 is attached to this membership.
      But also vendor V1 is a member of groups G1, G2, G3. Which capabilities vendor V1 will get based on the membership he signed for or based on the groups he is part of??

      Can someone describe how this is meant to be used?

      thank you

    • #104759
      Michael Slav

      It seem that, He pays for
      1 membership=1 group’s capabilities,
      but he also gets capabilities from other groups if assign him to?
      But I would I want to assign manually for more than he paid for??

    • #104784


      It seems that vendor can assigned to 1 membership but many groups, why??
      Yes one vendor can be assigned to many groups and for that vendor will get all the capablities of both the groups. And if any of the capability matches with both the groups then vendor will not get the capability if its set to off in any of the group. Suppose if a Vendor is assigned to G1 and G2 groups both and “Add Product” capability is set to “ON” in G1 group and “OFF” in G2 group then vendor will not get the capability to add products as it set to “OFF” in G2 group.


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