Yes, WCFM is fully compatible with Dokan and Dokan Pro.

Just relax, these are not errors anyway.
Rather it’s just a help text, which indicates such features are part of WCfM Ultimate. We don’t want to show WCFM upgrade message to Vendors, thus it’s pops up this message.

e.g. Vendor Billing, Shipping, Vacation are part of WCfM Ultimate so by installing only WCFM Free version you will have such messages.

This is possible but it is no way WCFM’s issue, follow the below steps to debug this very easily.

  1. Have you installed any Multi-vendor plugin other than WCFM Marketplace? Apart from WCFM Marketplace only, Dokan, WC Vendors and Product Vendors are supported multi-vendor plugins for WCFM
  2. Is your multi-vendor plugin directory name exactly same as you get it from source? This is the most important aspect, if folder name is renamed or downloaded from “github” then make it exact. ( for example in case of  WC Vendors => wc-vendors,  Product Vendor => woocommerce-product-vendors)
  3. If you have tried with different multi-vendor plugins then don’t mess with Vendor User roles. Creating vendor for a multi-vendor plugin will no way be considered as vendor for another multi-vendor plugin. You have to assign that user an exact vendor user role created by currently installed multi-vendor plugin.

1. Hope you already have WCfM U license key and plugin files !
2. Now login into your WP as administrator
3. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see a menu “WCFM License”, just get into it
4. You will see two fields – license key and email
5. Insert your key and purchase email there and click on activate button

That’s all … you are done !!!

No worries! this is not an error or your license key in not invalid. This is just a help message for you.

Such messages are coming if you delete the plugin without uninstalling or deactivating it’s license.

You can resolve this by own very easily, just log in to wclovers.com and go to your “My Account” page. You can see all information regarding your purchases and license keys. You also have activate instance of your license keys, just delete that and try again at your WP dashboard to re-activate the adddon.

Hope now you don’t have any issues now!!

Still if you are facing any issues then give a message (please mention your Order No.) to us at “wclovers.contact@gmail.com”, we will check and fix that on behalf of you.

In single word, YES you can.

Now let me tell you the possibilities:

WCfM Dashboard is a simple WP page with a short code “wc_frontend_manager”. So you have to just go to wp-admin -> pages and edit that page, now set your preferred page title and slug.

You may also create a new page for that, but remember to place the short code – “wc_frontend_manager”. There is WCfM Options at wp-admin dashboard (possibly last item of your wp-admin left menu items), go to there -> set your newly created page and click “Save Settings”. You are done, just browse your new page and it should start working as your new WCfM Dashboard.

Except WCfM Dashboard all other screens are “end-point”, but you can also edit all those end-points’ slugs as well. You will find this settings under WCFM Dashboard -> Admin Settings.

Just note, WCfM end-point settings is available only for WCfM Ultimate users.

You can achieve this very easily. Just log-in as Admin and go to WCfM front-end settings page -> Dashboard section. You will have “Quick Access” icon option to change this.

Additionally you may even disable this for your store.

WCFM and WCFM Ultimate works as Front-end manager but for core functionality you have to install the core plugin as.
For Booking-
1. WooCommerce Bookings (https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-bookings/)  in required.
If you already have installed WooCommerce Booking but still not visible –


You are not getting Booking Menu on left Sidebar at WCfM Dashboard?
Even as Admin login !!
Can you please make sure one thing –
Booking plugin folder name should be same as you get it from WooCommerce.com
As admin I can see it, but as a Vendor I can not see it.
If as Admin you can see it then Folder name is right.
Your Vendors don’t have Booking Capability, it’s just the reason.
Just go to WCfM Capability, it’s under WCfM frontend Settings as Admin login.
Please be sure “Manage Bookings” is ON and just press Save.
There is another option under Product Types – Booking, it’s specially for allowing Bookable Product. Keep that also ON.
You are done, now login as Vendor and check.

Yeah, WCFM RTL supported.