WCFM membership option is not showing in store manager dashboard

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership WCFM membership option is not showing in store manager dashboard


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  • Author
    • #120572
      WCFM Forum


      Well, Membership module by default comes with disable mode. If you want to Vendor Membership then enable this module and setup vendor membership plans.

      Please go to WCFM Admin Setting -> Modules -> Enable “Membership” module – https://ibb.co/6F9rmQ7

      Thank You

    • #120993
      Kristina Hillyard

      I have some vendors that dont know how to set up a store. Do i need a password for complete control over setting up there store? How do i do this without requiring that i have their password

    • #121039


      Please create knowledge-base for vendor where you guide them.


    • #121497

      Hey Good morning, i have exactly the same problem. just installed it fresh today on a new wordpress version and no update or submit button. even the comments and settings i made in the wizard are not in the system. so for now i cant use it at all.

      • #121681


        Sorry, can’t get your issue. Can you explain little more?
        is WCFM membership option not showing in your store manager dashboard? (you have written your issue “WCFM membership option is not showing in store manager dashboard” in this topic).


    • #121749
      This reply has been marked as private.
      • #121862


        Do you installed & activate our “WCFM – Groups & Staffs” plugin in your site?
        You have only shared username of you site MyFactory.shop. Please provide us password as well so we can login your site and check your site.


    • #122278

      sorry my mistake it is the wrong thread. i have problems with the update settings button or save settings button in the backend. it is nowehere. i will open a new topic. in the correct area.

      • #122482


        Do you mean update/save not working in WordPress dashboard->Settings?

        Thank You.

    • #122484
      Philip Sheehan

      Hi, I am having the same problem. I have downloaded the plugin and activated it but the membership option is not showing up in my wc dashboard so can not set it up.

      • #122553


        You have WCFM marketplace and WCFM-membership plugins activated?
        Please check once you have turn-on the “Membership” module from WCFM dashboard -> Settings -> Modules (PFA)


        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #122726

      Hi, attached is a bug message that Im having in the commission tab of the membership module.

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    • #123139

      Hello I want to hide seller information from my website. Its already disabled on website when browsed on desktop. But its visible on mobile APP. Bellow sizes -Their is a panel of Seller Information – View Store= Complete details of seller. How To Hide seller information in mobile app.As I have already un ticked from settings marketpalce. And how can I add additional css if needed from Appearance-Customizes-when trying to add msg is “Markup is not allowed in CSS.” Non technical kindly elaborate

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #123610

      Hello @pallavpriyank
      You have given a screenshot of the website where the customers can see the products where they can buy the products. There, not showing the vendors is okay.
      But the wcfm mobile app – store manager app is designed for the vendors. So only vendors can log in to the app. How can vendors only login and not able to see themselves? So it is not possible for the mobile app.

    • #123708

      No this is not WCFM vendors APP. It is actually Ciyashop Mobile APP for the customers. Which they download from Play Store.https://codecanyon.net/category/mobile?term=ciyashop&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhZr1BRCLARIsALjRVQPU1hS8frlsoJOdOxE35KFyToc-nI66s60pahdw2CyjUBCO9PzVY8gaAid6EALw_wcB

    • #123823

      Hello @pallavpriyank,
      Fo the third party mobile app you must contact the app developer of that particular app and get your app customized from them

    • #126587

      hola tengo el problema de la membresia pero con productos, no me deja crear productos de membresia que debo hacer, ya active el complmemnto

    • #128062

      I’m not very glad about your products and services. I bought a staff&groups plugin but I never receive the plugin (where can I download it).
      2de problem, for one month, I have developed a marketplace – so, I have bought your WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager, download the WooCommerce MultiVendor Marketplace and the WCFM Membership. That’s working 3 weeks. Sinds a week, nothing working correctly. That begins by a uncompleted dasboard (a vendor dasboard and not a admin dashboard). I have tried to disable, cancel and reinstall the plugins 3 times. A bugg append. It’s appears that the cancelling isn’t perfect – the data s aren’t erased. Happily, it’s only the development phase.

      I’m sure that is easily resolvable. Could you:

      1. send the plugin staff&groups
      2. help me to clean the data of my internet site and resend a compatible WooCommerce Frontend Manager, version WooCommerce MultiVendor and WCFM Membership version.

      When my problems will be resolved, I will think working, and buy more by your company.

      best regards,

      Thierry Jadot

      • #128067


        Firstly we have asked you for password 22nd April. You have only send us the username of your site.
        1. send the plugin staff&groups
        >>Let us know your order number( Set as private reply)

        2. help me to clean the data of my internet site and resend a compatible WooCommerce Frontend Manager, version WooCommerce MultiVendor and WCFM Membership version.
        >>Which things are not working correctly ? In between if you have added any custom code then at first remove those code.And Kindly disable all other plugins except WooCommerce and WCFM plugins. And then check.
        We need your site access(username and password), so we check check your site.


    • #134540

      Hi, I have bought WCfM Ultimate and Groups and Staffs Add-on. And i have successfully installed and Activated both on my website.

      I have also Activated free WooCommerce Multivendor Membership plugin.

      Problem I’m facing is I’m not able to see ‘Simple Subscription’ Product type in Product Types as shown in your YouTube Video.

      I have attached Screenshot in this message. Please check.

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #134994
    • #135997


      Can you explain to me what exactly does Vendor Membership do pls? Is this a replacement for 3rd party plugins such as Woocommerce membership plugin?

      Thanks – Justin

    • #136427
    • #137244

      hi i have a problem i can’t translate the text. admin fee :.
      This text is found when an email for the order summary for a seller arrives. I use Loco translation but I was unable to find this string. Where can I find this word in the translation code?


    • #141109
      Stephen Ackon


    • #141426

      Which codecanyon / evato market template support your plugin? We want seller location radios search and multi vendor supported app, who work same way as web site.
      Please guide us.

    • #141582

      Thanks for your reply. We are not searching for theme. We are searching for app which show user nearby stores only.
      We have tired lots of scripts. None is supporting this .
      That’s why we are looking for suggestions.

    • #142340


      Sorry, but we don’t have this kind of App.


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