Add "article tab" to Townhub theme

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Add "article tab" to Townhub theme

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  • Author
    • #132069
      John Connor

      I would like to add an article tab to the store profile and i am using to the Townhub theme. Can you help me?

      Also, How can I make the information from the added vendor fields display on the vendor store?

      Is it possible to embed a video from the vendor on the vendor store with custom fields?

    • #132075
      John Connor

      Also, is there a way I can add the store short description to the displays on the store list?
      I also want to add the categories that the stores product has onto the cards displayed on the store list.

    • #132529


      I would like to add an article tab to the store profile and i am using to the Townhub theme. Can you help me?
      >>Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php

      add_action( 'wcfmmp_store_article_template', function() {
      <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class('post-article ptype-content'); ?>>
      	// Get the list of files
          $slider_images = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_cth_post_slider_images', true);
          if( !empty($slider_images)&& townhub_get_option('blog_show_format', true ) && get_post_format( ) !== 'gallery' ){ ?>
      	<div class="list-single-main-media fl-wrap">
              <div class="single-slider-wrap">
                  <div class="single-slider fl-wrap">
                      <div class="swiper-container">
                          <div class="swiper-wrapper lightgallery">
      		                foreach ( (array) $slider_images as $img_id => $img_url ) {
      					        echo '<div class="swiper-slide hov_zoom">';
      					        	echo wp_get_attachment_image($img_id, 'townhub-featured-image','',array('class'=>'respimg no-lazy') );
      					        	echo '<a href="' . esc_url( wp_get_attachment_url( $img_id ) ) . '" class="box-media-zoom popup-image"><i class="fal fa-search"></i></a>';
      					        echo '</div>';
      	}elseif(has_post_thumbnail( )){ ?>
      	<div class="list-single-main-media fl-wrap">
              <?php the_post_thumbnail('townhub-featured-image',array('class'=>'respimg') ); ?>
      	<?php } ?>
      add_action( 'wcfmmp_store_article_template_none', function() {
      		<p><?php esc_html_e( 'It seems we can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.', 'townhub' ); ?></p>					
      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_store_articles', '__return_true' );

      How can I make the information from the added vendor fields display on the vendor store?
      >>Use this shortcode – [store_info data=""]

      Is it possible to embed a video from the vendor on the vendor store with custom fields?
      >>Unfortunetly as of now we don’t have option for this, you can add embed video in “store/shop description” field in vendor’s settings.

      is there a way I can add the store short description to the displays on the store list?
      >>To display in custom data you can use below actions as per your requirement-

      do_action( 'wcfmmp_store_list_after_store_info', $store_id, $store_info );
      do_action( 'wcfmmp_store_list_footer', $store_id, $store_info );

      I also want to add the categories that the stores product has onto the cards displayed on the store list.
      >>Can you explain little more your requirement. It’s not so clear to us.


    • #132857

      How can I add this code that creates a new tab for articles in a standard way to any template? I need that code. Tanks.

    • #132859

      How can I add this code that creates a new tab for articles in a standard way to any template? I need that code.

    • #132860
    • #133042

      We have already replied you this thread. Please do not create multiple threads for same issue.

Viewing 6 reply threads
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