Is WCFM the best marketplace or does it SUCK? Support seems terrible

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) Is WCFM the best marketplace or does it SUCK? Support seems terrible

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    • #134480

      So just like the title,
      Is WCFM better than any other marketplace?

      I’ve been looking at different marketplaces and have found WCFM AND DOKAN MULTIVENDOR as the best there is but it seems like SUPPORT OF WCFM AND WCLOVERS is almost NON-EXISTENT?

      I’m not really a developer but have a little bit of knowledge when handling shopify websites.

      The tutorial videos for wcfm is very limited compared to dokan in youtube.

      I was really rooting for wcfm since they have a lot of free features that are paid in dokan but what really turns me off is the lack of support, fb group and detailed tutorial videos from building your own marketplace to actually running it unlike dokan’s community base.

    • #134553

      Hey, thanks for your criticism, but be assured that we will work on our loop-holes very fast. Coming to comparison, I bet you know that we do provide considerable amount of features compared to Dokan, and a plugin is always judged by the features it provides and it’s scalability. That is the reason, inspite of being late entrant in this domain ( in year 2018) we hold the second best record of active installs! And have over-taken the market of WC Vendor and WCMp !

      Please understand that Dokan has been there since 2015, quite understandably, their outreach will be ahead at this moment, but we are working hard to make our tutorials and support better and I can assure you that things will be in place soon.

      For your benefit, have a look into a comparison, it will surely give you a better outlook –

      Thanks again for your constructive criticism

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