Do not have the virtual option on wc bookings products

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Bookings Do not have the virtual option on wc bookings products

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    • #13708

      Hello, I purchased your ultimate addon but cannot figure out few things. 1st : How to make bookable products as virtual and downloadable products as the shipping tab is still there.
      2nd: How to integrate geo my wp with stores and products(it works with wc marketplace dashboard but not yours) ?
      Thank you

    • #13711
      WCFM Forum


      1. Yeah right, we didn’t kept that “Virtual” option for Bookable products just to keep the things simple and assuming that in general Bookable products will be Virtual. Shipping will depends upon product settings so we didn’t hide that as well.
      Between, do you really need this things to be manageable as well? Actually we don’t have any such request till now!!

      2. Kindly check WCFM Product Manager short description and description editor toolbar, you will find “GMW Form” button.

      Thank you

    • #13795

      1st. How can people use your platform with bookings if bookings are not virtual? I find really annoying that people have to pay shipping for booking and that the shipping tab appears. Why Shipping will depends upon product, that does not make any sense?

      2nd. It is really annoying to have the GMW button on your tiny MCE as I have many forms (One form members, 1 for articles, 1 for vendors, 1 for products…). I dont want my vendors to show one of my forms but to put their shop address (and even oppening hours) that it is recognised by GWP as it is on with my theme (rehub) and wcmp. ALSO, I would like them to have a tab where they can put the address of the product.

      3rd. People have not any way to connect to their stripe account and I removed payment by direct debit so I dont understand why the account details are required that enhence trust from vendors I dont think it is a good Idea to ask for their bank account details if dont needed. Moreover, in Europe, there is a new law about marketplaces that specify that if they deal with money, they have to pay more taxes. What I suggest to conterpart this issue is for you to integrate the same settings page of the wcmp in your dashboard (without css). Would you be able to do that because you will have other customers complaining about that.

      4th. I have this error appearing on extension page :

      Notice: Undefined index: wc-frontend-manager-ultimate/wc_frontend_manager_ultimate.php in /wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-ultimate/core/license/classes/class-wcfmu-update.php on line 114

      Notice: Undefined index: wc-frontend-manager-ultimate/wc_frontend_manager_ultimate.php in wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-ultimate/core/license/classes/class-wcfmu-update.php on line 188

      Thank you for your help

    • #13796
      Shhiv Narayan


      First I want to tell you, please relax a bit clam down. If you have faced any issues we will definitely work on those and fix them.

      1. In WCFM next version you will have Virtual option for Booking Products.

      2. You may use “Adderess Geocoder” plugin to associate a address with your Products. Please tell me what kind of options you are looking for GMW?

      3. We will integrate “Stripe Connect” in WCFM next version as well, it’s already in our list. Don’t worry, will also hide unnecessary payment fields as per Admin setting.

      4. This is something strange and never heard before, I will take a look into it and if there is something definitely fix by next update as well.

      Thank You

    • #13879
      Shhiv Narayan


      Update- WCFM 3.1.6 has just released

      1. Bookable product now have Virtual option
      2. Stripe connect integrated

      Kindly update your and take a look.

      Thank You

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