date picke issues on RNB plugin

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  • Author
    • #13934

      Date picker is not working properly on RNB plugin please see the screenshot

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    • #13939
      WCfM Forum


      I am just looking into this.

      Can you please help me in a way, is it possible for you to share latest version of RNB Plugin with me?

      If yes, then Kindly do that. Actually, we are also working on your requested feature, it’s almost done but want to test with the latest version of the Plugin but certainly we don’t have that right now.

      Kindly place it in Google drive and share with

      Thank You

    • #13940


      This screenshot is from view product page.
      It’s coming from WooCommerce and RNB plugin responsible for Rental part.

      It’s not from WCFM still I am happy to help you but I can’t exactly detect what’s wrong there?
      Can you please give me a bit more details, how you find it’s not working?

      Thank You

    • #13942


      I got the plugin.

      Really thanks for the cooperation.

      Please clarify me a bit more, what kind of issue you are facing with the Date Picker.

      Thanks again

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