Group is not being created

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  • Author
    • #17537
      Sheikh Md Osmani

      I have recently purchased this extension. But when going to create a new group with some capabilities, the page is refreshed/ reloaded but no group is being created.My site is:

    • #17541
      WCFM Forum


      That’s great to know that you have get WCFM – Groups & Staffs as well.

      Please know me one thing, is there any errors any your site’s browser console?

      Are WCFM other saves working perfectly?

      Thank You

    • #17553
      Sheikh Md Osmani

      No error and the core wcfm savings like settings and products saving are working well.

    • #17556
      WCFM Forum

      That’s really strange!
      Is this possible for you to share a demo access with us to check the things!

      Thank you

    • #17570
      Sheikh Md Osmani
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #17571
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for the credentials.

      I have just checked the site and seems that it’s caching issue.
      Kindly refresh cache and take a look.

      Thank You

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