Adding Commissions table to WCFM dashboard

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Vendors Adding Commissions table to WCFM dashboard

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  • Author
    • #18444
      Alejandro Rey

      Is it possible to add the commissions table from the commissions page in the backend to make it accessible in the wcfm dashboard?

    • #18463
      WCFM Forum


      I am not very clear with your query, what you want to access from front-end and what functionality you are expecting there, please give us a bit more details on the same!

      Thank You

    • #18481
      Alejandro Rey

      Hi, when using WC Vendors, commissions can be seen and updated under WooCommerce in the WP-Admin dashboard. I’m wondering if I can put that on the front-end so I don’t have to access WP-admin dashboard. Thanks for your help!

    • #18493
      WCFM Forum


      Yeah absolutely possible and it’s already in our plan.

      We will add this in WCFM Dashboard just after customer module release.

      Please wait till that version comes out.

      Thank You

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