Vendor not have a verify bad

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    • #25319

      1. The admin cannot verify member via the manage vendor page.
      – The 3 buttons (Disable vendor account, Membership update, Mark approved) spin after clicking and it does not go on the next process.
      2. One of the vendors has been approved but it does not show a verified vendor badge.

      What should I do?

      Ps. I have disabled the Merge minify refresh plugin already.

      Thank you.

    • #25329
      WCFM Forum


      You have a caching plugin as well.

      Do you have refreshed caching from that yet?

      Thank You

    • #25334

      Sure, I refreshed already.
      This issue for this vendor has happened a long time ago. Just not very important in the past time.
      The other vendors have not a problem.
      But now it affects to the vendor capability to add the product.

      Thank you.

    • #25337
      WCFM Forum

      That’s something really strange!

      Umm.. can you do one thing, delete and re-install WCfM Free plugin once and take a look.

      If not resolved I will check with you over TeamViewer.

      Thank You

    • #25348

      After delete and re-install WCfM Free plugin, the three buttons issue is solved.
      But the verified vendor badge issue still exists.

      Thank you.

    • #25352
      WCFM Forum


      That’s great to know that saving issue resolved for you.

      Tell me one thing, Social verification ON for your site? Is that vendor goes through social verification yet?

      Admin can approve only Identity and Address details, but Verified Badge will be only available if vendor goes through Social verification as well.

      If Social verification disabled then it’s not considered and Identity-Address verification good enough to have verified badge.

      Thank You

    • #25357

      Social verification: Enable for Google and Facebook, the other has not enabled.
      Ok, now I found two vendors have not a verified badge, they were registers through google.

      How do they have a verified badge?

      Thank you.

    • #25501
      WCFM Forum

      Are they go through all verification?

      Thank You

    • #25571

      Yes, they are.
      – Email
      – identity photo upload.

      They have not a verified badge.

      Could you please try register via Google account and facebook.

      Now my vendor can’t add the product.

      Or I have to disable the verified mode for the vendor can publish the product.

    • #25583

      After an update the last version, My theme members cannot access into the membership plan page (vendor-membership), but the non-member can access on this page.

      I don’t know what’s happened. Now my theme members cannot register to the vendor.

      How to solve this?

      Thank you.

    • #25622

      The WCFM Membership plan page does not accept my member theme role.
      Now the WCFM Member registration page accepts only non-role of website member.

      Help me solve the issue, please.

    • #25643
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM Membership works only for vendor user role.

      In fact WCfM only works for multi-vendor plugin’s defined role only.

      Any other user role or custom user role will not work with this.

      Between, can you please know me what kind of compatibility you are looking for. I will know if there has any possibilities.

      Thank You

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