Customer Tab

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  • Author
    • #26313


      Can someone explain to me the Customer Tab exactly ?


    • #26356
      WCFM Forum


      This is customer users for the site.

      Vendors may use this as CRM as well.

      It allow to see them customer wise orders, bookings etc as well.

      If you are using Toolset then vendor may capture additional customer info from here.

      But honesty, this section more useful for Appointment and Booking sites where customer interaction more important.
      For normal shop sites it’s not that much helpful.

      You may disable this module from WCfM Admin Settings -> Modules

      Thank You

    • #26372


      I just wanna understand it more, if it’s no use for me I will disable it.

      1- so if customer ordered something or booked something, his details will be here automatically ?

      2- What happens if vendor add the user in the customer tab ? what can he do with it ? can he buy or order on behave of the customer ? can the customer use that user to log in ?


    • #26409
      WCFM Forum


      1. Yeah off course. If a customer purchase a product from a vendor then vendor will see that customer in this list.

      2. When a customer added they receive an email with account details. So they can off course login to the site using those credentials.
      Manual “Add Order” is not yet there in WCfM Dashboard, but it will be there soon and vendor may add order to their customers as well.
      Right now, this feature already there for Booking and Appointment, vendor can add booking manually for their customers.

      Thank You

    • #26421


      Your constant support is much appreciated!

      Thank You.

    • #26441
      WCFM Forum

      You are welcome 🙂

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