Commission calculation on Tax or gross sales product price (incl. Tax)

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) Commission calculation on Tax or gross sales product price (incl. Tax)

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    • #28699


      congratulation on your release!!

      The change is unfortunately not easy, but I already plan it.

      You write in the documentation:

      “Shipping Costs. Tax. You may decided whether these are taken care during commission calculation or not!”

      How ist it possible to charge the commission on gross sales product price (incl. Tax)?

      Is there a hook/filter in WCfm Marcetplace?

      The option “Calculate commission on Tax” in the commission settings would be a good thing 🙂

      Thank you

    • #28879
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for your appreciation 🙂

      Let me tell you how tax and shipping tax calculated –

      1. Commission calculated based on rule over Product’s net sales price
      2. Now, if you have enabled tax goes to vendor then that product’s tax added to the vendor’s commission.

      Off course, there has many hooks/filters. Know me for what purpose you are looking for this, I will know you right hook for the purpose.

      Thank You

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