BUG – Product Rating

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    • #52863
      Fany VanDaal

      Hi, I found another bug.

      If the user who bought the product wants to rate it, they can only rate it with a star rating.

      If the administrator approves this star rating by WCFM, this rating is credited to both the product and the seller. However, the seller can be ranked by several categories. These categories will also appear on the product! on the seller’s rating page!

      Furthermore, the rating is not published on the product. Only the person who awarded the rating, the customer, sees this rating for the product.
      No ratings are shown.

      Product ratings will only appear after the administrator has approved them in wordpres in comments.
      Approval in wordpress comments is not always needed, probably when the user evaluates for the first time?

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    • #52963
      WCFM Forum


      If the administrator approves this star rating by WCFM, this rating is credited to both the product and the seller. However, the seller can be ranked by several categories. These categories will also appear on the product! on the seller’s rating page!

      – Product review and Store review are not related that way! Product review is from WC Core, but store review is form WCFM.

      Furthermore, the rating is not published on the product. Only the person who awarded the rating, the customer, sees this rating for the product.

      – If user add review to product then it added as Store Review as well, but reverse does not happen!

      Thank You

    • #52984
      Fany VanDaal
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #53057
      WCFM Forum


      OK I understand. How can I ensure that a user can see rating categories and not just 5 stars when evaluating a product?

      – As I told you product rating is from WC core, and it does not support such categories!

      Can you please advise me on how to remove the vendor’s rating in the loop?

      – Please add this to your child theme’s functions.php –

      add_filter( 'wcfmmp_is_allow_sold_by_review', '__return_false' );

      Thank You

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