Hide (or preferably, display on same line) the Store: Example Store in mini cart

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) Hide (or preferably, display on same line) the Store: Example Store in mini cart

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  • Author
    • #67145
      Alex Ostbringhaus

      I have been trying to get a mini cart working for my site for hours now, but all mini cart modules/shortcode/plugins seem to be confused by the additional details wcfm adds. How I can have the store that the item was purchased from display on the same line in a simple table format? if this is not possible, then how can I hide these extra details?

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    • #67425
      WCFM Forum


      Well, as I see this mini cart is broken, even product image and title also no visible properly!

      Between, which theme you are using ?

      Thank You

    • #67600
      Alex Ostbringhaus

      I am using astra theme, with beaver themer to create the headers. I have disabled the product image, and widened the window for now, to simplify the example (please see the image attached). How can I display the store on the same line as the item?

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    • #67853
      WCFM Forum


      Well, it’s visible at next line by WooCommerce core.

      Store is here as product meta, same like variable product.

      Thank You

    • #120357


      How to remove “store:” in mini cart?

      • #120375


        To remove “Store” meta,
        You have to override the “cart-item-data.php” file in your theme (yourtheme/woocommerce/cart/cart-item-data.php). Then add this below code in this file,(PFA)

        if($data['key'] == 'Store') {

        But in this case “store” will remove from cart and checkout.


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