Failed Vendor Sign Ups

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  • Author
    • #67149
      Alex Ostbringhaus

      Sometimes when vendors (in this case me, testing) try to sign up, no emails/notifications for the approval are received by the site admin. The process therefore stalls at the stage in the screen shot. This has happened on 2 out of 4 sign up attempts now. I am using WCFM Ultimate on a Multisite installation. Outgoing email by Mailgun.

      The user is successfully added to the list of WordPress Users, but as a subscriber.

      I enabled debug logging to try and understand what is happening. When I tried the signup process again, I was shown this error.

      Notice: wp_woocommerce_session_877e06666118c3c77605f77ffd80d43c cookie cannot be set – headers already sent by /mnt/data/home/ on line 297 in /mnt/data/home/ on line 887

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    • #67416
      WCFM Forum


      Possibly your site has some PHP error so this is coming.

      Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> is any error generated?

      Thank You

    • #67608
      Alex Ostbringhaus

      I just tried again now. There were no errors generated. After looking at some other posts in your forum, I checked to make sure the membership pages were set up. The pages themselves were, but I had no membership plans themselves yet. I created some and tried to register again. The same notice was generated.

      Notice: wp_woocommerce_session_877e06666118c3c77605f77ffd80d43c cookie cannot be set – headers already sent by /mnt/data/home/ on line 297 in /mnt/data/home/ on line 887

      But the application got through to /vendor-membership/?vmstep=choose_membership and then required approval.

      This post seems relevant to the issue. I assume you are displaying each step as a shortcode?

    • #67866
      WCFM Forum


      Possibly your site has some PHP error so you are getting this message –

      Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> is any error generated?

      Thank You

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