Coupon Code for membership discount…

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Coupon Code for membership discount…

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  • Author
    • #73109


      How can I create a coupon code for free or discounted memberships at checkout.

    • #73113


      I figured out that by using WC Checkout and assigning the membership to a product, a coupon code generated in woocommerce will accomplish what I’m trying to do. Is this the proper way?

    • #73254
      WCFM Forum


      Well, you have already find out the right direction 🙂

      Thank You

    • #80454
      Jamie O’Reilly

      Hello, I need to do the same thing as I want to give selected people a free membership on a paid plan for a month.
      Please could you tell me how you assigned a membership to a product to generate the code?
      Thank you : )

    • #80590
      WCFM Forum


      Sorry, I am not getting your idea clearly.

      Please could you tell me how you assigned a membership to a product to generate the code?

      – What does this means? Do you want to create “subscription type” product?

      Thank You

    • #80857
      Jamie O’Reilly

      I’d like to give some customers a free month on our multi vendor site as a thabk you for testing it out. I’d liek to craete a coupon code to give them so that when they sign up they won’t be charged until 1st October for membership. Can you help please? Thank you

    • #81612
      WCFM Forum


      OK, why you are not using FREE Plan or FREE Trial option for the purpose?

      You may off course coupon but then you have to setup using WC Product –

      Thank You

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