Important bug with "Restricted days" availability feature

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Appointment Important bug with "Restricted days" availability feature

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    • #81718

      Hi, I just reproduced this on a fresh install with updated plugins, this feature is definitely broken, and it works in admin dashboard without wcfm.
      Way to reproduce:

      1. go to wcfm dashboard -> products -> add new
      2. choose appointable product type, add title, scroll down to availability tab
      3. check “Restrict start days?”
      4. add monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday to “Restricted days”
      5. add Recurring Time(all week) type custom availability, 10am to 6pm for example
      6. click submit, and view product page

      You will see that Friday and Saturday became inactive, instead of saturday and sunday.
      And it’s not just a labeling issue, ANY day you take out will be interpreted as Friday.

      7. Go back to wcfm dashboard, edit the same product again.
      8. The “Restrict start days?” checkbox is UNCHECKED again, even though you just checked it in step 3.
      9. Go to wp admin dashboard, edit the same product, and save it.
      10. Go to product page

      This time it works perfectly, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem with the WC Appointments plugin.
      (same feature works fine with wcfm + wc-bookings plugin, strangely enough)

    • #82134
      WCFM Forum


      We are checking this, if there has any such issues will resolve for WC Appointments.

      Well, WC Booking and WC Appointments both are totally separate integration, so it may possible it works for one but not for another one!

      Thank You

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