Additional settings option for Product Vendors
First I want to mention that this article will helpful for only “WC Product Vendors” users.
We all know that, Product Vendors only allow PayPal as payment option for it’s vendor users. But in many cases Store Admin don’t want to allow this automatic withdrawal for their Vendors, instead they prefer to disburse payment their own via Bank Transfer.
Now here they stuck to do so, Product Vendors does not allow any such option yet.
Using WCFM you can achieve this very easily. You have to install “Toolset Types – Custom Post Types, Custom Fields and Taxonomies” for this, just relax this a FREE plugin.

You have to just setup “Term Fields” for your Vendors.
You may define any no of Field Groups and any type of fields as well.
I am talking mainly about Bank Details but you may use this for getting any additional information from your Vendors.
Just to mention, please remember to assign your crated field group to “Vendors” Taxonomy.

You are done, rest will handle by WCFM.
Your Vendors will have all those additional settings fields under their WCFM Dashboard Settings.

You will also have those additional fields to under wp-admin -> Vendors section.
Isn’t it cool enough!!
Hope this will helpful for you and your vendors. If you have any confusion or queries then feel free to reach me anytime.