WCFM Desktop like Notification
Notification – one of the most important thing for any system. Specially if you are running a Bookings or Appointments site then you have to be always up to date.
It’s even applicable for enquirers, no one is ready to wait.
Off course for be in the race we have to be fast and faster!
Now it’s not possible for us to always open order screen and get refreshing and refreshing, then when we will manage other things.
WCFM already had it’s own notification/messaging system but till now that was restricted under WCFM dashboard only, now that’s also painful to keep browsing the dashboard all the time.

It’s time to change, now things are going to be more easy and relaxing.
It doesn’t matter from now where you are in your site, you will be always notified instantly.
For any event you will have a popup desktop notification in your screen.
For Admin it will be for –
- New Order
- New Booking
- NewAppointment
- Product Review
- Seller Verification request
- Direct message
- Enquire
For Vendor it will be for –
- New Order
- New Booking
- New Appointment
- Enquire
- Direct Message
Notification will come with reference link of that item, so you just have to click on it and you will be at the new event details in no time.
Isn’t is cool enough!!
Please know me if you have any suggestion to make this more useful for your purpose.
Just to mention, you are going to have this just by installing WCFM Free even.
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