Add new field – Events tab

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    • #82081

      1 – I would like to add a new field to an area of the Events tab (Using Fooevents)
      I would like this text field to appear above the ‘Google Map Coordinates:’ field
      This field would explain to the vendor how to get the google gps co-ordinates

      2 – I would also like to edit the tooltip text for this ‘Google Map Coordinates:’ Have tried to change with loco-transalate but am unable to locate the file for this text, Help in finding this would be appreciated

      3 – Is there a way for this Google Map Coordinates: field to autosuggest – ie as vendor types in an address a drop displays suggested locations
      I have seen this function on other plugins

    • #82458
      WCFM Forum


      Please know me this tooltips, I will help you to add.

      FooEvent does not support such map input. WCFM also has this under Store Setting -> Store Location input.

      Thank You

    • #82801

      1 – Is there a solution for this please – This field needs to be more prominent than a tooltip as it would include the link to where the vendor can find the lat/long co-ordinates – Please see attachment

      2 – The first Tooltip text I would like to change is :-
      Number of days: ‘The number of days the event spans. This is uses by the FooEvents Check-ins app to manage daily check-ins.

      3 – Thank you for reply – Reply from Fooevents support “Thank you for the suggestion. Improving the process of adding Google Map coordinates and locations is on our list of features to consider implementing in the future.”

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #82940
      WCFM Forum


      You are welcome 🙂

      Sure, we will improve and change these in coming update.

      Thank You

    • #82946

      Is this answer ‘Sure, we will improve and change these in coming update’ relating to 1?

      can you please let me know about 2 – changing tooltips text
      Thank you

    • #83300
      WCFM Forum

      OK, what you want to set tooltip here?

    • #83396

      Well, All of the Events tooltips refer to Fooevents and loos like messages for site admin rather than for vendor help.
      Example ‘The GPS coordinates used to determine the pin position on the Google map that is displayed on the event page. A valid Google Maps API key is required under WooCommerce -> Settigns -> Events.’
      This should read something like ‘The GPS coordinates used to determine the pin position on the Google map that is displayed on the event page. NB: Please ensure you use the following GPS format:
      Example: -26.137600, 28.008141
      If necessary you can convert to this format using the following tool:

      And is related to item No. 3 in this thread

      It would be less work for you if you could let me now how I can change the text in these tooltips as nearly every one needs changing so is more for vendor than site admin

      Thank you

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