Amount of sold products for the period, stock and orders

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Analytics Amount of sold products for the period, stock and orders

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    • #102441

      Hi WCLovers team,
      It’s a presales question.

      I want to know is it possible to see such reports in Analytics module?
      1) Products for some period
      – How much items were sold
      – Total net sales
      – Number of orders with option to look inside each of them
      – list of all products in store were i can see for each product number of sold items, net sales, number of orders, stock.
      In my case vendor should see report with total quantity of the products sold to collect it at the warehouse and prepare all customer’s orders.
      It will be easier for the vendor to take a report with the final indicators, rather than writing them out from each order.
      2) Stock
      – List of all products
      – status of product
      – amount at the stock
      3) Oders summary
      – Number of orders received
      – Net sales
      – Average order value
      – Average items per order
      – List of orders with date, order number, order status, customer name, number of items sold, net sales

      If such reports not available at the moment, is it possible to use some external analytics as plugin, which will be available for our vendors?

      Thank you

    • #103352
      WCFM Forum


      Well, these are already part of WCFM Reports –

      1. Sales by Date –
      2. Sales by Product –
      3. Sales by Vendor –

      Thank You

    • #103387

      Well, look at my screenshots!
      Reports are empty, but i have orders with a lot of products inside.
      But, it may be important, those orders have unpaid status yet.
      Before they will be payed, they should be fulfilled by vendor according to stock and exact amount of weighted products.
      So, at this moment, as i understand, vendor does’t have any statistic info until orders will be payed. And this is not convenient in our model.
      I had a question (point #2) in my question (, which in few words describes our scheme of work.
      Please look, and we need your advise.

      Thank you.

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    • #105756
      WCFM Forum

      Are you able to reports as Admin?

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