Buddypress configuration with WCFM Ultimate plugin

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Buddypress configuration with WCFM Ultimate plugin

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  • Author
    • #21261


      I am using WCFM Ultimate plugin for frontend products management and BuddyPress for member types. I am using shop_manager and customer and subscriber user roles for 3 member types. But WCFM ultimate plugin frontend shortcode is working only for administrator role. Is there anything from where I can run the shortcode for shop_maanger and subscriber also?

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

      Best Regards

    • #21278


      WCFM also works for “Shop Manager”, no restriction over this.

      But subscriber it’s not possible..

      If you want to have another user role then why not go for Shop Staff!

      Thank You

    • #21457

      WCFM is working with the shop manager role but no with any of others. As you have mentioned that I should use shop staff, there is no user like this. Please check the link for the screenshot http://prntscr.com/j21n1e. Can you please suggest me regarding this ASAP.

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


    • #21458
      WCFM Forum


      Well, let again clear you the things.

      WCfM allowed user roles –

      1. Administrator, Shop manager
      2. Vendor user, if you have have any multi-vendor plugin
      3. Shop Staff, WCFM – Groups & Staffs required (http://wclovers.com/product/woocommerce-frontend-manager-groups-staffs/)

      Thank You

    • #21513

      I am using WCFM Ultimate plugin but i have just noticed that shop members are able to see the others products too in their WCFM Dashboard.

      Can you please suggest me regarding this issue.

    • #21526
      WCFM Forum


      Can yo please define what you mean by “shop members”, I mean which user role?

      Thank You

    • #21554

      As I have above mentioned I am using BuddyPress plugin, shop members refer to the shop manager. And all shop managers are able to see all products in their dashboard.

      Can you please suggest me regarding this issue.

    • #21557
      WCFM Forum

      That’s right.

      Shop Managers has capability almost similar to Admin and allowed to see all products and all orders.

      But you may control Shop Manager specific capabilities using WCfM – Groups & Staffs.

      Thank You

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