BUG – Shipping method

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    • #116634

      Dear Support,

      I have downloaded your market place plugin and on testing it. I am getting a scree that says that there are no methods choosen, whilst I did choose methods for shipping. And on the checkout page for that vendor, the cart says that there is none. I am the admin of the site.
      As you will see in the attachments, all the fields for that vendor has been filled in.

      See attachment

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    • #116640

      Dear Support,

      Here is the screen shot of the woocommerce panel for the above issue.

      See attachment

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    • #116647


      When the Vendor logs out then logs back in, the methods page now reflects the changes made.
      But still no option on the cart (customer cart). Cart still says that there is no shipping method.

      See attachment

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    • #116794

      The shipping values are stored in the woocommerce database in cart transient please clear the woocommerce transients after making every shipping changes and then clear the cart after that try again to add product in the cart.
      You can clear transients from Wp-admin backend -> Woocommerce-> Status -> tools tab -> Clear WooCommerce transients.
      After this try adding fresh products in the cart.

      Thank you.

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