Can I add additional fields to the bookable resources panel through plugins

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Can I add additional fields to the bookable resources panel through plugins

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  • Author
    • #78186
      Mitchell Gould

      I have a few custom plugins necessary for my particular marketplace:

      1. Custom Taxonomy: These seem to be picked up in my product manager.
      2. Custom Field Group tied to post type, bookable resource. ACF field groups don’t show up in my store manager bookable resource panel as they do in wp-admin. If I put these fields in via a custom plugin, will WCFM pick them up on the proper panel? Is there some code I need to get them displaying on the proper panel?
      3. Generate Products from Bookable Resources. A feature I’m currently implementing through a custom plugin takes information from the additional information provided in the additional fields from my bookable resource custom fields, combines it with SEO ready content and vendor profile information and generates a serious of products for that resource. I need buttons on the bookable resource page to generate/update products based on that resource. If I put these buttons in my plugin’s field group, will they render in for the store managers?

    • #78292
      Mitchell Gould

      Okay, I woke up this morning and created a simple plugin to test whether my custom metabox would show up on the bookable resource panel. It does not automatically even though it is built to show up for the post type, bookable_resource.

      I’ve spent the last hour reading through posts that make it seem possible, if only there were hook documentation. I found this post: that shows someone using a hook on wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_general, but I need the appropriate hooks for my plugin to also add those fields to the bookable_resources panel and to be able to save/update from this panel. Ideally, I’d like to add it as a set of capabilities in my WCFM admin.

      Please advise.

    • #78964
      WCFM Forum


      Well, it’s possible to add custom field for Bookable Resource.

      But how those will functional? I don’t think, Booking plugin support this by default!

      Thank You

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