Categories Checklist View list "Add New Product"

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  • Author
    • #68671

      I like this Categories Checklist View list “Add New Product” feature, but can you please add an arrow on subcategories as well, if the subcategory has several sub-sub-categories.

      Right now when you click on the arrow to open the subcategories, it open all the subcategories and their sub-sub-categories. That creates a long list to search in. It would be easier to navigate and use if only one sub level at a time open.

      Look how long the list when I click on the category “Furniture”. If only the sub categories open and each has an arrow to the left of it to open, that would make it more convenient.

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    • #69005
      WCFM Forum


      We can definitely add that, but then it will look too clumsy. Lots of arrows!

      Thank You

    • #69072

      On the contrary it looks much more organized.

      We currently use that feature on woocommerce backend using this plug in and it looks amazing:

      Plugin: Parent Category AutoCheck + Category Tree Checklist

      Instead of Arrow on the Left, they have a + sign on the right.

      Please implement something similar. It will make life for vendors much easier when it come to selecting proper categories for their products.

      Thank you.

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    • #69761
      WCFM Forum
    • #70001

      I tried the plugin you posted… It is good for organizing hierarchy of categories but the problem with it you can only select one category per product.

      But I want to be able to select more categories conveniently.

      The following plugin ( helps me on the backend of WooCommerce, but it doesn’t function in the WCFm products section of the backend. You might want to look at it and modify it to function in the WCFM New Product section as well.

    • #70248
      WCFM Forum

      We are checking this.

    • #77209

      Hi, I have installed WCFM – Category Hierarchy and I am very pleased, but there was one problem.
      When I add a new product, it’s okay to select Categories, then Sub-Categories. The problem arises when I want to change a Categorie of a product, after selecting the new Categorie no Sub-Categories appear at all. There may be some conflict?

    • #77473
      WCFM Forum

      WE are checking this and will send you updated addon.

    • #77966

      OK, I am waiting 🙂

    • #79567

      Something new to my problem ?

    • #79947
      WCFM Forum


      We have test this and it’s working fine –

      Between, what is your “WCFM – Category Hierarchy” plugin version?

      Thank You

    • #79998

      WCFM – Category Hierarchy : Version 1.0.1

    • #80026
      WCFM Forum

      OK, then it should work as I have also created that screen recording with same version.

      Can you please check, is there any JavaScript error happening to your site or not? Please check from Google Chrome Browser console.

      Thank You

    • #133006

      I know that this post has some time, but I am wondering if it is possible that they provide me with the wcfm-category-hierarchy addon to be able to separate the selection between categories and subcategories, since I have more than 800 categories and it is very difficult to search from the same.

      Thank you very much and best regards.

    • #133060

      Thanks for getting in touch with us!
      Here is the updated link –
      Thank You!

    • #133133

      Hi Sushobhan,

      I have already been able to download it.

      Thank you very much

    • #133572

      Hi Sushobhan,

      I am having trouble updating the categories.

      I create a product, I assign the categories and these are not visible in the side menu of the store.

      The categories are also not synchronized in WPML.

      Do you have any precedent in this regard that can help me?

      Thank you very much!

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    • #133971

      Hi, do you know anything about this problem?

      I have tried to disable all the WPML plugins to check the operation without the languages. But the problem persists.

      I have also been able to verify that I have to modify the products that the sellers have created from the WordPress administrator so that the categories are visible from the sidebar of the sellers store page.

    • #134530

      Hi, do you know anything about this problem?

    • #135019

      Sorry for the delay. Kindly use the updated plugin from here-
      Thank you!

    • #135024

      Hi Sushobhan,
      I review it right now and I communicate.

      Thank you very much!!

    • #135028

      It works perfect!
      Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • #135058

      There was a bug in the earlier version. Thanks to you, it got fixed 🙂

    • #135120

      Hi Sushobhan,
      I hope everything is fine and Cyclone Amphan doesn’t hurt you much.

      I don’t want to abuse your time and attention but you can still help me with a little tweaking with this category plugin and its multi-language support.

      The case is that it would be very interesting that when a seller creates a product in one language and the web platform has 2 languages ​​configured, is it possible that the categories of their products are displayed in the seller’s store column even if it has not been created these products in all languages?

      Let me explain better, a seller creates a product in Spanish and assigns a category. In WPML I configure products to be displayed in all languages ​​even if they are not translated. This works well since if I visit the sellers store page in any language, the products are displayed even if they are only created in Spanish, but the categories are not visible. Only the categories are seen when I visit the seller’s page in Spanish. Can it be done that if you visit the seller’s page in English and the product has not been created in English it will show the categories in Spanish?

      I do not know if I explain myself very well. If you need more information, I will prepare a video or screenshots for you.

      Thank you very much!!

    • #135469

      I got an old link from the WPML forum which closely resembles your query I’m not sure if the process still works. You can try or contact WPML.
      Let me know how it goes.
      Thank You!

    • #142437

      Hi, I installed the plugin from the link above, but now category selection seems to be compulsory. I don’t want it to be – how do I change this.
      Also the categories are now selected from dropdowns, rather than the expanding ‘tree’ on the sidebar of the product upload page. Is there a way to change it back to a tree, instead of the dropdowns?

    • #142536

      Hi @musikapublishing,
      What you want to achieve is how our plugin works by default. So don’t use the addon from the previous link. Also, the mandatory category check is probably coming from Settings -> Product Custom Validation screen. Make sure you have Categories unchecked here.
      Thank You!

    • #142786


      I install this addon and work perfectly, the issue is that vendors were able before to create subcategories(Not main category) and brands, but after installation, this feature not work as per the group capabilities. how to achieve this now with this Add-on?
      Also, the hierarchy doesn’t show numbering for subcategories for example Subcategory 1, Subcategory2…..etc


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