Categories Dropdown on Store Page

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Categories Dropdown on Store Page

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  • Author
    • #119152
      Xavi Haro Alvarez

      Hi, i’ve a problem with categories on store page. When a vendor have a lot of categories and subcategories i have not a way to show each subcategory level when you navigate. You have parent category and, when you click, then all subcategories (Child2, child3,child4…) are shown.
      I need a real dropdown: first parent. When you click, Child1. When you click on child1, then show child2 and that way.

      How can i do it?

    • #119262


      You can enable the “Enable toggle to show child categories” under “Vendor Store: category” widget. Please see the attached screenshot of the section.


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    • #119273
      Xavi Haro Alvarez

      Hi Molay, thanks for quick response. It’s checked. When I go to store page i see the parent category collapsed, but when I clicks it shows ALL the subcategories levels (Child1, child2,child3…), not only child1 at first click, child2 clicking child1, child3 clicking child2…

    • #119764


      Can you please tell us which theme are you using?


    • #119858
      Xavi Haro Alvarez

      I’m using Storefront, with a child theme.

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