Change default icons

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    • #129682


      Is there a way to change the 3 icons in the head? The notification board, the enquiry board and the announcement board?

      Thank you

    • #130319

      Thanks for getting in touch with us!
      Please override this template wc-frontend-manager\views\wcfm-view-header-panels.php inside your [child-theme-folder]/wcfm/ folder. If there is no wcfm folder inside your child theme just create a new one and copy the file from the plugin path to there.
      After that, you can make your changes to this copied file without affecting the plugin core files.
      Thank You!

    • #130410

      That’s great thanks it worked, however the icons dont change if I use the shortcode [wcfm_notifications] – how do I change the icons within that shortcode?

    • #131016

      I can’t seem to get template overrides working for Vendor Dashboard for creating a product.
      I want to add alot more details and instruction as to how they should complete the Add Product form.

    • #131256

      Hi @ashley.younguk,
      The shortcode wcfm_notifications doesn’t allow changing the icon. It’s hardcoded. I created another shortcode for your purpose, change the icon, and use it as per your requirement.

      add_shortcode( 'wcfm_notifications_with_custom_icons', function( $attr ) {
          global $WCFM, $wp, $WCFM_Query;
          if ( ! $WCFM || ! $WCFM->frontend || is_admin() || ! wcfm_is_allow_wcfm() ) return;
          $message = true;
          if ( isset( $attr['message'] ) && ! empty( $attr['message'] ) && ( 'false' == $attr['message'] ) ) {
              $message = false;
          $enquiry = true;
          if ( isset( $attr['enquiry'] ) && ! empty( $attr['enquiry'] ) && ( 'false' == $attr['enquiry'] ) ) {
              $enquiry = false;
          $notice = true;
          if ( isset( $attr['notice'] ) && ! empty( $attr['notice'] ) && ( 'false' == $attr['notice'] ) ) {
              $notice = false;
          $unread_notice = $WCFM->wcfm_notification->wcfm_direct_message_count( 'notice' );
          $unread_message = $WCFM->wcfm_notification->wcfm_direct_message_count( 'message' );
          $unread_enquiry = $WCFM->wcfm_notification->wcfm_direct_message_count( 'enquiry' );
          <div class="wcfm_sc_notifications">
              <?php if ( $message && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_pref_direct_message', true ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_notifications', true ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_sc_notifications', true ) ) { ?>
                  <a href="<?php echo get_wcfm_messages_url(); ?>" class="wcfmfa fa-bell text_tip" data-tip="<?php _e( 'Notification Board', 'wc-frontend-manager' ); ?>"><span class="unread_notification_count message_count"><?php echo $unread_message; ?></span></a>
                  <?php } ?>
          <?php if ( $enquiry && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_pref_enquiry', true ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_enquiry', true ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_sc_enquiry_notifications', true ) ) { ?>
                  <a href="<?php echo get_wcfm_enquiry_url(); ?>" class="wcfmfa fa-question-circle text_tip" data-tip="<?php _e( 'Enquiry Board', 'wc-frontend-manager' ); ?>"><span class="unread_notification_count enquiry_count"><?php echo $unread_enquiry; ?></span></a>
          <?php } ?>
          <?php if ( $notice && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_pref_notice', true ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_notice', true ) && apply_filters( 'wcfm_is_allow_sc_notice_notifications', true ) ) { ?>
                  <a href="<?php echo get_wcfm_notices_url(); ?>" class="wcfmfa fa-bullhorn text_tip" data-tip="<?php _e( 'Notice Board', 'wc-frontend-manager' ); ?>"><?php if ( wcfm_is_vendor() ) { ?><span class="unread_notification_count notice_count"><?php echo $unread_notice; ?></span><?php } ?></a>
          <?php } ?>
      } );

      Usage: [wcfm_notifications_with_custom_icons]
      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have a child theme then add code using this plugin –
      Let me know how this goes.

    • #131259

      Hi @dean,
      To override the add product page you will need to copy all the files under wc-frontend-manager\views\products-manager\ folder to your [child theme folder]/wcfm/products-manager/ path.
      Thank You!

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