Custom fields

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  • Author
    • #15490

      I would like to add two custom fields.
      One where the vendor must specify where the item is located

      a second where is the item shipped or pickup is only possible on site.

      I work with the plugin WC Marketplace and WCFM Ultimate

      Is there a solution for that?

    • #15491
      WCfM Forum


      Yeah definitely possible.

      You may use ACF or Toolset for creating such custom fields, and don’t forget to make thise “required”.

      You can even use WCFM own custom fields but required option is not yet there, will be in new version.

      Thank You

    • #15495

      Thank you
      Have no idea but I’ll try it.

    • #15501
      WCfM Forum

      Yeah sure, very easy to setup any of these.
      Kindly try yours, if failed I will help you to do so or show some demo.

      Actually we already such demo you may even check now –

      There is a ACF field block named “Person”

      Please know me if I can help you any other way.

      Thank You

    • #15543


      Are able to get into this?

      Please know us if you require any kind assistance!!

      Thank You

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