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Customize the woocommerce step by step setup

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    • #119054

      I wanted to remove the SEO tab on the woocommerce step by step setup. Since it’s a multivendor platform, most of the users will have no idea what SEO is. I’ve tried reaching out to woocommerce support aswell but they weren’t very helpful.

    • #119530


      Are you talking about the SEO tab that appears while store setup?
      If yes then add the below code to your child theme’s functions.php file or if you don’t have child theme then use Code Snippet plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/) to add the below code.

      function remove_seo_tab($steps) {
          return $steps;
      add_filter('wcfmmp_store_setup_steps', 'remove_seo_tab');


    • #120062

      Thank you. I’ll give it a try.

    • #121063

      Worked great. I couldn’t find an option to edit my previous answer or mark your answer as correct. I guess I don’t need to. Thanks anyway.

    • #121251


      Glad to hear it work for you. Let me know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

      Can we ask for a favor? Would you mind taking a few minutes to review our plugin at https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wc-multivendor-marketplace/reviews/ and let others know about your 5 Star experience with WCFM Marketplace. Also, follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/wcfmmp for more exciting news, important updates, and irresistible offers.


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