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Dashboard and Store style for vendor and Store logo

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Dashboard and Store style for vendor and Store logo

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    • #67202


      Is it possible to have vendors manage the styles of their dashboard like they do with their own Store banners and logos.
      From my end, i think i see both styles only privileged to the admin.

      This way we can have each vendor style their store as they wish and which will be in line with their Logo, branding or something like that.

      Secondly, could the logo place holder be given options instead of the default circular shape. Maybe add square and rectangle with positions left, centre and right.

      Kind Regards.

    • #67459
      WCFM Forum


      Well, vendors are allowed to manage their store logo, banner etc …

      But color setting not available to them. Don’t you think, it will look very odd if different vendors setup their store color differently?

      Thank You

    • #67512

      This would be a nice feature if you could make this an option capability to “allow vendor store color customization” that admin can turn on or off.

    • #67513

      It would be good for them to at least change the text and link colour of the store list as they could then change these if the image they upload makes the text in readable on the store list page


    • #67575

      No it wouldn’t look odd at all.

      This should be a function that a vendor should have as they are setting up their store.
      Put up a logo, banner and set their theme to achieve their branding goal. Even the gray rectangle where the store details sit should have their colour and not a blanket theme all round from the admin.

      Yes the main site can have the overall site colour but let each one dress up their own store just like in the physical world.

    • #67848
      WCFM Forum

      OK, we will add this as option setting for vendors very soon.

      Thank You

    • #68208

      WC Lovers you are amazing!!!!!!

    • #74836


      Any luck on this, just thought i follow up.

      Also if possible Kindly consider looking at this “could the logo place holder be given options instead of the default circular shape. Maybe add square and rectangle with positions left, centre and right”.

      Kind Regards

    • #74995
      WCFM Forum

      Well, we have dropped this idea.

      We are going to release a new addon (FREE) WCFM Marketplace + Elementor -> using this vendor will able to create their own store template.

      Thank You

    • #75215

      Many thanks for your reply.

      Actually, i think dropping my idea and coming up with WCFM Markertplace + Elementor is best.
      Than you very much for considering to create this addon.

      WC Lovers you are the best!!!!

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