Double notification approved product: Buddypress + wcfm

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Double notification approved product: Buddypress + wcfm

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  • Author
    • #92150

      Hi guys! I see that if i enable the mail of “approve product”, when admin approve a product, vendor receive 2 notifications, one of buddypress (new message from admin “approved product” and one from wcfm.

      How to disable one of those?

    • #93389
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this line to your site –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_notification_sync_to_buddypress', '__return_false' );

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –

      Thank You

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