Edit shipping price in the order

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Edit shipping price in the order

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  • Author
    • #22305


      Excellent plug-in, your name (WC Lovers) honors your work.

      I have a question about shipping price. When a customer make an order is it possible than vendor edit the order and modify the shipping price, and then send message to a customer with a definitive total price? Is it not easy set shipping prices when customers buy more than one product because the weight is bigger.


    • #22335
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us and it’s really motivating to have such appreciation.

      Right now WCfM does not allow order editing from frontend but we will bring that option very soon.
      Hence it will be also possible to do.

      Thank You

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