Elementor 404 template not working with WCFM

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Elementor 404 template not working with WCFM

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    • #115053

      When using the Elementor 404 catch all template, it isn’t compatible with WCFM. It thinks the store pages are 404 pages. I raised this with Elementor support and they stated the following:

      I have just checked the page you have shared as an example and I see, that there is the “error404” HTML class added on it, that’s why Elementor take it as a 404 page – http://prntscr.com/rrti0e
      You can contact the plugin developers or support team and let them know that this HTML class is presented on the plugin pages so they can suggest any fix for this.
      Once this CSS class will be removed, Elementor won’t apply its 404 templates for those pages.

    • #115281
      WCFM Forum


      Well, it’s not possible to edit dashboard template using Elementor. in fact if you edit dashboard page template using Elementor it will generate error or you will get 404 error.

      Do you have edited “Store Manager” page template using Elementor?

      WCFM – Elementor (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-frontend-manager-elementor/) addon only support store page custom template using Elementor.

      Thank You

    • #134532

      I am using Elementor. WCFM backend dashboard does not work at all. When clicking on Marketplace menu item it takes me to home page.

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