Email Templates

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  • Author
    • #26688
      Tavan Eftekhar

      Hi there,

      Does WC Frontend Manager send any new emails via wordpress? If so where are they located so I can modify them?

      Thank you

    • #26705
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      WCfM all emails goes from WP-WC.

      Kindly know me which emails you want to edit, I will know you.

      Just to mention, for editing email texts translation is the best way.

      Thank You

    • #26996
      Tavan Eftekhar

      The email I’m seeing is for Notifications, not sure if it’s the same for all notifications or just appointments. I’m using the appointments plugin and when a new appointment is booked I get an email subject “Notification – Appointment”. Where is that one located?

      Thank you

    • #27032
      WCFM Forum


      It’s a general WCfM Notification email reminder. There is no specific template for this particular email.

      But, you may disable this email notifications by adding this line of code to your site –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_notification_email', '__return_false' );

      Thank You

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