Few Modification | Some field request

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    • #26890

      Hello Team i have few request,

      1. On vendor registration page of wcfm, can we make First name and Last name mandatory.
      2. Is it possible to add One more phone number ? Store number and Personal Number. And can we have some check ? on it it is taking Text as well (IMG Attached).
      3. In near future is there possibility to to verify phone number similar to email verification.
      4. Vacation mode: Disable Purchase During Vacation to be made True / Enabled as soon as vendor enable Vacation mode and remove/hide Disable Purchase During Vacation from page.
      5. Under wcfm/messages/ we have two section, To store admin (message system) and Notifications. Can we separate it ?
      6. Can we have different icon for wcicon-variable and wcicon-simple. it’s already different but not differentiable by looking.
      7. Under profile section can we have confirm password, as there is only one box it will reset password or we can use lost password again instead of input box. And phone number can we have some check ? on it it is taking Text as well

      That’s it for now, let me know what effort is required and charges if any.

    • #27090

      Regarding 4. extended
      can we disable Vendor message as well. We want generic message to be displayed for every vendor.

      So requirement is like this: Disable Purchase During Vacation to be made True / Enabled as soon as vendor enable Vacation mode is also enable with generic message.
      Vendor can only enable and select effectiveness

    • #27353
      WCFM Forum


      1. On vendor registration page of wcfm, can we make First name and Last name mandatory.
      – It requires a small custom code, I will give you that

      2. Is it possible to add One more phone number ? Store number and Personal Number. And can we have some check ? on it it is taking Text as well (IMG Attached).
      – Yeah sure, just add that using Registration custom field from Membership Setting panel. You just add a same kind of User Field using “Toolset” and then it will be available every where, vendor profile and wp-admin -> users-> profile

      3. In near future is there possibility to to verify phone number similar to email verification.
      – It will be there as WCfM SMS notification module will be there very soon

      4. Vacation mode: Disable Purchase During Vacation to be made True / Enabled as soon as vendor enable Vacation mode and remove/hide Disable Purchase During Vacation from page.
      – We will add a prohibition to override vendor vacation message in next update

      5. Under wcfm/messages/ we have two section, To store admin (message system) and Notifications. Can we separate it ?
      – You mean, two section in two separate page? Actually, direct message will move to WCfM Chat section very soon

      6. Can we have different icon for wcicon-variable and wcicon-simple. it’s already different but not differentiable by looking.
      – You can tweak this very easily using some CSS

      7. Under profile section can we have confirm password, as there is only one box it will reset password or we can use lost password again instead of input box. And phone number can we have some check ? on it it is taking Text as well
      – What kind of check you want to add, only number?

      Thank You

    • #27371

      HI team,

      1. Thats sounds great 🙂

      2. Sure will try.

      3. Sounds like plan.

      4. looking forward. And also can we make Disable Purchase During Vacation true as soon as vendor enable Vacation mode and remove Disable Purchase During Vacation.?

      5.Yeah separate kind of.

      6. will look into it

      7. A) Under profile section can we have confirm password, as there is only one box it will reset password, else we can use Confirm password again to revalidate what are we adding. Usually When we are logged in any system we get 3 box (• Old Password •New Password •Confirm New password) to reset password.
      B) Input box such as Phone Number , Price, sale price, Stock qty etc expects input in number , so we should have number type input parameter. in Plugin it is Text so check only number

    • #27395
      WCFM Forum


      1. Here is your code –

      function wcfm_membership_registration_custom_fields( $registration_fileds ) {
      	global $WCFM;
      	if( isset( $registration_fileds['first_name'] ) ) {
      		$registration_fileds['first_name']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	if( isset( $registration_fileds['last_name'] ) ) {
      		$registration_fileds['last_name']['custom_attributes'] = array( 'required' => 1 );
      	return $registration_fileds;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_membership_registration_fields', 'wcfm_membership_registration_custom_fields' );

      4. There already has a checkbox for disabling purchase during vacation. What you want here, i am not getting clearly?

      7 (A). I understand your point but we kept this simple. User already logged in and browsing this page, then again asking for “Old Password” has no meaning. Confirm password can be added but in wp-admin -> user -> profile -> no confirm password so we leave that here as well. Well you may disable password update from here by adding this code –

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_update_password', '__return_false' );

      7 (B). Here is your code for the purpose –

      function wcfm_profile_custom_fields_phone( $profile_fileds ) {
      	global $WCFM;
      	if( isset( $profile_fileds['phone'] ) ) {
      		$profile_fileds['phone']['type'] = 'number';
      	return $profile_fileds;
      add_filter( 'wcfm_profile_fields_phone', 'wcfm_profile_custom_fields_phone' );

      Thank You

    • #27517

      Hi Team,

      Thanks for impromptu reply. Really appreciate your help and support.

      4. vacation mode:
      So what i am looking for only two box i.e. Enable Vacation Mode and Vacation Type.
      Once Vacation mode is enabled (Checked) that means Purchase is also disabled by default. (Vendor cannot enable purchase during vacation.)
      For message you said in future update u will add box to override.

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    • #27567
      WCFM Forum


      Ok, we will add prohibition for this in next update.

      Thank You

    • #27662

      When ever i add input type as number or any field which should accept input as number only such as: phone number, Price, sale price, Stock qty, pincode etc. is taking input as text also. Snippet u gave didnt worked either. so can make change in core files ? or any custom field where input type i select is number also taking text

    • #27738
      WCFM Forum

      That’s strange.

      Is there any CSS or JS in your site which manipulating this?

      Any idea!

    • #27739
      WCFM Forum

      Between, for phone number we never applied “number” fields as user may add other call number rather than phone number.

      Thank You

    • #27747

      Ohh u mean 1234/234/67 kind off

    • #27763
      WCFM Forum

      Yeah, may be.

      Sometimes phone number contains extension no. or Skype no is also can be inserted here.

      Thank You

    • #28267

      Hello team,

      Input field such as price , pincode are having text. it should be number ?

      Can validate what’s wrong with it?



    • #28289
      WCFM Forum


      We have already changed this in latest update, check this – https://ibb.co/n4be89

      If you are using any caching or HTML minification plugin then clear those and take a look.

      Off course, be sure your are using WCFM 4.2.4

      Thank You

    • #28303

      Hi Not using any caching or Minification.

      Do let me know how can we resolve ? or is it because of theme dependent ?

    • #28304
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #28317

      Hello Team,

      Its working when i disabled wcfm which is copied in theme folder.

      But thing is i have modified few codes in copied in theme folder.

      So everytime plugin gets updated how should i retain my changes and get update also.


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    • #28422
      WCFM Forum


      Then just use copied-modified code and change Price, Sale price field type to “number” from “text”

      Thank You

    • #28434

      Hello team,

      Thanks will look into it.

    • #28462
      WCFM Forum

      Sure 🙂

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