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Forgotten Cart – Pt2

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    • #132458

      Hi Team!

      I found this post in your forum: https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/forgotten-cart/

      Before starting to implement it by myself, there is news regarding this feature?

      Otherwise, can you give me some hint to do this?

      I already installed “WooCommerce – Abandon Cart Lite” and I’d like do make it available for Vendors.

      Thank you very much for support.

    • #132507

      We haven’t started working on this. This topic never gets enough popularity. Maybe marketplace owners prefer to keep this control in hand. If you let your vendors have this data then they can see all your customer/prospect details irrespective of if they ever purchase from that store or not.
      If you want to add this support you have to make the settings panel available inside vendor settings page. Now the plugin keeps all the customer information inside a separate table so you might need to check that structure too. And finally, you’ll need to change the logic of email triggering based on Vendor settings.
      One thing to give special attention, one user might visit many products from different vendors so while crafting the logic make sure the user doesn’t get bombarded with too many emails from all the vendors.
      Thank You!

    • #132530


      Thank You for quick Reply!

      Of course it’s not your fault if this is a poor popular topic, so it’s right not to weste time in developing.

      Anyway, I’m a pro developer so I’m able to implement this feature myself (maybe sharing it with you, if you like)

      My idea is to add a menu item for vendors, displayng a “filtered” dataset of abandoned carts per single vendor.
      At this time, mail notification are not needed.

      I’ll investigate Abandoned cart plugin hooks to better understand where to apply this.

      Can you tell me any usefull WCFM Hook or function (if any) to help me on this?

      Thank you guys, your plugin is however very customizable and useful!

    • #132909

      You can use end_wcfm_marketplace_settings hook to add a new tab under vendor setting page and add your fields there. WCFM offers a field library which you can call like this- $WCFM->wcfm_fields->wcfm_generate_form_field(array(‘key’ => field_settings_array)) to echo your fields without writing HTML. Settings will be saved automatically.
      Rest of the logic you have to figure out by studying both the plugins. As you are good with programming, I guess it will not give you much of a trouble.
      Good Luck & Thank You!

    • #132944

      Thank You very much!

      I will give you some feedbacks when done.

      Have a nice day!

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