How to get features of WooCommerce Frontend Manager Ultimate and WC Marketplace?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate How to get features of WooCommerce Frontend Manager Ultimate and WC Marketplace?

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  • Author
    • #22016

      Hi there

      I have the following plugins activated:
      WooCommerce Multivendor Membership
      WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate
      WooCommerce Frontend Manager
      WC Marketplace

      And I am not seeing the benefits of WC Marketplace with WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate.
      Maybe to many plugins activated. All I see are the features of the standard WooCommerce Frontend Manager.

      Please help.

      KInd regards

    • #22020
      WCFM Forum

      Hi Anthony,

      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      It will be great if you just define, what you are missing from WC Marketplace?

      Still I want to give you some idea where you have WC Marketplace –

      1. Vendor Store page is totally from WC Marketplace, WCfM has nothing over there
      2. Vendor payment and commission generation comes from WC Marketplace
      3. Vendor setting options are as per WC Marketplace
      4. Single product multiple vendor is from WC Marketplace

      Just to mention, if you are using WCfM then you will definitely have it’s features 🙂

      Thank You

    • #22053

      Hi Keymaster

      I don’t see many of the features as mentioned in WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate.
      There is no Advanced Product Options, Message Board, Advanced Order Options just to mention a few.

      As far as I can see I filled out everything at Woocommerce, WC Marketplace and WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate
      and WooCommerce Frontend Manager.

      Kind regards

    • #22054
      WCFM Forum


      OK let me define those in details.

      Advanced Product Options –
      1. Product Gallery
      2. Downloadable Product
      3. variation Stock manage
      4. Pre-defined WC attributes
      5. Product Advance setting block (Enable review etc …)
      6. Many more is there …

      Message Board –
      1. Available under notification board now (at top bar)
      2. Vendor are allowed to send direct message to Admin
      3. Admin can send direct message to individual vendors

      Advanced Order Options –
      1. Order not add
      2. Shipment Tracking
      3. PDF invoice
      4. Packing slip
      5. Few more are there as well …

      Now check you system, are you getting all these or not! If you disable WCfM Ultimate then you will see these are no more there.

      Please know me if you nay further confusion regarding this.

      Thank you

    • #22064
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #22066
      WCFM Forum


      Not getting anything from this image, it is WCfM Admin settings page.

      Without WCFM Ultimate you will miss few things from here as well.

      1. WCfM screens slug edit
      2. WCfM custom field display options
      3. Vendor Verification
      4. Vendor Badges
      5. Few more as well …

      What you exactly want to know I still can’t understand your query!

      Thank You

    • #22069

      Hi Dimitar
      In the image is what I see with WCFM Ultimate enabled and I am missing the Ultimate features or am I wrong?

      Lind regards

    • #22076
      WCFM Forum


      Sir, you are wrong.

      WCfM Ultimate options are there and I have already mentioned you that in previous reply –
      1. Vendor Verification
      2. Vendor Badges
      3. WCfM screens slug edit

      Deactivate WCfM Ultimate and check the difference.

      Thank You

    • #22090


      Sorry, you are right about these. I see the difference.

      And now i hope you enlighten me about the advanced products types like accommodations, bookings, listings, tickets, jobs, auction etc, which are according to in the advanced features list? I saw some of these (Listings and Bookings) in the left menu in the demo but they don’t appear in my Frontend Manager.

      This is very important to me as I have 3 more sites I want to use these.
      I hope I am not bothering you too much 🙂

      Kind regards

    • #22091


      That’s great, now you got the things properly.

      “accommodations, bookings, listings, tickets, jobs, auction, voucher” – WCfM Ultimate compatible with all these Advanced Product options. But if you want to have any of these then you have to install the core plugin first. e.g. WC Bookings for bookings, WP Job Manager for listings.

      Hope you got the idea.

      Thank You

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