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How to make the procces of uploading a product easy on front end store owners?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate How to make the procces of uploading a product easy on front end store owners?

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    • #133286

      As said in the topic title, I want to make it as simple as uploading a picture, giving it a price and name (maybe description), and have a post button right next to it.

      My main costumers live in Africa and some of them have a hard time understanding the complex terminologies used like Liked-up, inventory, product policy…etc I don’t want those things to be totally gone, I just want them to be a little more hidden so that the vendor doesn’t get scared away, maybe have a very subtle “more options” button hidden away in the corners so that the more experienced vendors can utilize them.

      Ecenstially what i am looking for is a Simpler interface, with less clutter and more to the point panal,Thank you for reading.

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