I need help a few things have gone wrong and crashed and too many errors

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Groups & Staffs I need help a few things have gone wrong and crashed and too many errors

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    • #28547

      Hi I need help I tried contacting you several different ways the stuff and groups plucking is messed up how to uninstall and reinstall it to reactivate it now it’s saying that I’ve reached my plugin licence activation key limit there is too many things wrong with it I wc lovers plugins to work with dokan I purchased all your products

      I need you to give me access back to the staff and groups plug-in I’ve used it on the same site all the time

      I need customisation I need help it’s just missed my site up my website
      This is my website below

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    • #28650
      WCFM Forum

      Duplicate post – https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/managers-capabilities/

      Closing this, follow up this on original thread.

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