Mapping implementation is very confusing…

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Mapping implementation is very confusing…

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  • Author
    • #78019
      Mitchell Gould

      I’m trying to implement Geolocation. There are multiple forum articles, one of them says I need to install GeoMyWP, the other says I need MapPress, but WCFM Ultimate takes its own API key in settings.

      I’ve done all of the above and still get a blank map from google.

      Please advise.

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    • #78061
      Mitchell Gould

      Still having issue. Which plugin am I supposed to use?

    • #78792
      WCFM Forum


      Well, what purpose you want to use Map? If it’s for showing store location then no other third party plugin will require, WCFM Marketplace core has evrything.

      Between, your Map API key is not yet live.

      Thank You

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