Marketplace Commission Settings

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  • Author
    • #32906

      Hi !

      Is there a way to set params in order to disable vendor commission for the first subscription month only ?

      Exemple: Customer A signs a new subscription contract with Vendor V.
      Monthly subscription for customer A is 15$ and commission for V is set at 66%.
      On the first month I would like the vendor commission to be null (zero) as all revenues should come to admin (fee for transportation and administrative tasks)…
      On the second month, commission would be calculated using the formula: 9,9$

      I cannot play with the “Commission after deduct discounts?” as final customer should pay the full price every month…
      I can neither imagine changing the vendor setup every time we will sign a new subscription…

      Any idea, direct or indirect solution ?


    • #32934
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Well, by default there is no such prohibition to setup commission like this.

      But this can be implemented using some customization.

      Between, there will be always subscription products or normal products as well?

      Thank You

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