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Menu item showing list of Vendors

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  • Author
    • #49819
      Tom G

      Is there a menu item that I can add that would be a drop down menu showing a list of all the Vendors?

      Or do I need to setup a page using the shortcode

      And add that page?


    • #49821
      Tom G

      BTW I did the page with the shortcode and I get None found. I assume I have a setting wrong because I have added a few vendors

    • #49823
      WCFM Forum


      Is there a menu item that I can add that would be a drop down menu showing a list of all the Vendors?
      – There is no such element, buy there has vendor widgets, you may use this.

      Please check this – https://wclovers.com/knowledgebase/wcfm-marketplace-widgets-short-codes/

      Also try this short code – [wcfm_stores_carousel]

      It will show vendor list carousel on any pages.

      Thank You

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