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Mermbership question

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    • #122388
      Jing Gu

      Our site has 2 sections, both powered by WooCommerce. We are adding WooCommerce Membership to the registration process, so when a user signs up to the site, he/she can choose from different membership plans.

      See this: null

      Here is our question:
      – We will set up 2 different categories of stores: Association and vendor
      – Each store category will have its own different plans.
      – And user role is not just for the WCFM Marketplace.
      – WCFM team has been so nice they made a plugin to control the capabilities of different categories according to plans.

      See this:

      Our question:

      Right now, the WCFM Multivendor Market Place Store Categories is driven by WCFM Membership.

      A user should see only one membership engine. It will not be a good user experience if a user signs up to a membership plan and then when the user sets up a store, the user will see another set of membership plans.

      How can we integrate the WooCommerce Membership plugin so that it controls the WCFM Store Category?

      Thanks a lot.


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    • #123413
      Jing Gu

      Another thought is if we could expand the WCFM Membership with some custom function etc to help control the capability of different WP Job Manager roles.

      User role capabilities for WP Job Manager will be a lot simpler. We only need to control how many jobs a user can post and how many jobs can a user feature.

      If we go down the path to use WCFM Membership to control membership for the entire site, we will need to
      1) Display the membership plans for all users, including those not going to sign up to use the WCFM section.
      2) show membership in a different sequence. Currently, membership plans are part of the vendor registration process.

      A user chooses to sign up as a vendor, then the user will see the membership plan.

      To make WCFM Membership work for the whole site, covering WCFM section and WP Job Manager section, then we need to show all plans including those for WP Job Manager, we need to show all plans before a user choose to become a vendor for WCFM or a user using WP Job Manager.

      Which path is more realistic?

      – Building a bridge between WooCommerce Membership and WCFM Membership? (in this case, we also will need 2 WordPress membership plugins)
      – Or, expand the WCFM Membership to manage the membership for the entire site?

      Please advise.


    • #123788

      The sole sole purpose of WCFM Membership is to provide Membership/subscription functionality for vendors. While, WooCommerce Membership is for controlling websites general users.
      Sorry, but you can’t make them talking that easily. Whatever way you choose, you will have to make some heavy customization. I think showing both membership plans in a single page and keep them separated is the optimal way. If you try to replicate one’s functionality in another it would become even larger task.
      I hope this can clear some doubt from your mind.
      Looking forward to helping you.

    • #123834
      Jing Gu


      You confirmed our direction. We have concluded the best is to use the WCFM membership plugin to handle the multivendor solution, as it is designed to do, and extend it to manage the membership for users of the WP Job Manager section.

      1) Membership control as related to a multivendor marketplace is complex.
      – For example, we need to control if a member can stock his own inventory, how much he is allowed to do that. Can he edit his customer? etc.

      2) For WP Job Manager, the control will be much simpler.

      – We only need to control how often a user is allowed to post new jobs, and how much he could feature his posted jobs.

      We already added an extension to the WCFM membership plugin to accept membership subscription for users who will only use WP Job Manager.

      On top of that, can we connect this customized extension to User Role Editor (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-role-editor/) to control what a member can use WP Job Manager?

      Or is there a better way to achieve this function?


    • #124634

      If you want to use User Role Editor plugin for other users of your site, then there should not be any issue with WCFM. Just don’t modify any WCFM managed users role (vendor, manager, staff…) using it and you will be fine.
      Thank You!

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