Missing orders in seller /store-manager/orderslist/

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Missing orders in seller /store-manager/orderslist/

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    • #115678

      Hello, we try a new website with WCFM Marketplace and are facing a problem in the sellers /store-manager/orderslist/
      Some orders don’t appear in the seller /store-manager/orderslist/, however they appear in the main admin view and in the main woocommerce order list.
      The seller can access the missing orders from the notifications but that is not handy.
      See an example in the attached pictures for order #537

      You can see order #537 is present in the database table wp_wcfm_marketplace_orders (phpmyadmin)
      You can see order #537 in the admin /store-manager/orderslist/ view
      You can see order #537 in the woocommerce /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order view
      But it doesn’t appear in the seller #4 /store-manager/orderslist/ view !!

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    • #118295
      WCFM Forum

      Kindly show me this order details page screenshot from Admin view.

      You may contact us here – https://wclovers.com/setup-guidance/
      We will debug this for you..

      Thank You

    • #119084

      A screenshot like this ?

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    • #119086

      Or maybe like this ?

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    • #119215

      Hello, it just happened again today for order #1054 of store #4 and i noticed an interesting clue for debugging:
      – in the “admin” view of /store-manager/orderslist/ filtered for store #4 i can see the 25 last orders for that shop #4 including order #1054
      – in the “seller #4” view of /store-manager/orderslist/ i don’t see order #1054 but ONLY 24 orders are displayed despite the fact that:
      – both views indicate “Display of orders 1 to 25 on 61 elements” (or something like that as it’s displayed in french)
      -> That means the missing order is counted as one of the 25 but it is not displayed, as only 24 items appear in the seller’s view list.
      I hope this is understandable and helps.

    • #119727

      Hi fablrice-0553,

      I am also facing the same problem. I’m testing the process flow and made few dummy orders from same vendor.

      There seems to be order that is not displaying in the vendors’ admin order page. Like yours, the vendor can only access the order from the notification message. It happened on the 2nd order.

      Despite that, there is message at the bottom of order list saying ‘Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries’ (I made 3 dummy orders..1st order has no problem, 2nd order, vendors’ admin cannot see the order, 3rd order- no problem)

      Can admin take a look at this prob and solve it asap..

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    • #120294

      The problem lays in the following file: wc-frontend-manager/controllers/orders/wcfm-controller-wcfmmarketplace-orders.php

      It is due to an unconsistency that sometime occurs between the “item_id” in wp_wcfm_marketplace_orders table and the “order_item_id” in the wp_woocommerce_order_items table.

      When, for some orders, this inconsistency exists, an exception occurs in the (strange) “try catch” instruction beginning at line 264.
      The exception “Invalid order item” is thrown by /woocommerce/includes/data-stores/abstract-wc-order-item-type-data-store.php at line 135.

      The exception is catched and the display of the problematic order is then simply dropped (!!) by the instruction “unset( $wcfm_orders_json_arr[$index] );” at line 299.

      I see two ways to solve this issue:

      1. Manage the display of “// Purchased” items like it is done in the admin view “wc-frontend-manager/controllers/orders/wcfm-controller-orders.php” without calling woocommerce function.
      2. Prevent the inconsticency between the tables to occur at order recording in the database and correct it based on the woocommerce table when detected.

      If you want to see your order and exception description, you can replace lines 299 & 300 of wcfm-controller-wcfmmarketplace-orders.php by these:

      299	//unset( $wcfm_orders_json_arr[$index] );
      300	$order_item_details .= $e->getFile().' -> Line '. $e->getLine() .' -> '. $e->getMessage(); // FO
      301	//continue;

      Please see attached picture for the result of this code.

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    • #125896
      Jessica LeFanu

      Hi! Did you guys get this issue resolved? I’m having the same problem of orders not showing up in the orders tab. I’ve attached screenshots.

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    • #126031
      Qualivery srls

      Hi, I have the same problem: there seems to be order that is not displaying in the vendors’ admin order page. Unlike yours, the vendor can’t access the order from the notification message.

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    • #128220

      I’m having the same issue. This appears to have also caused issues with payments. My site is configured to use periodic withdrawal payments on the 1st of each month. The payment request for the vendor who is missing orders was incorrect. All orders prior to the missing order where included in the payment request; however, the orders after the payment request were not included.

      I’ve submitted a premier support request, but have not heard anything back yet on this issue.

    • #129086
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this line to your site.

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_repair_order_item', '__return_true' );

      Add custom code(s) to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add those using this plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/

      Thank You

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