Multi vendor plugin and shipping rates

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Multi vendor plugin and shipping rates

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  • Author
    • #25796
      Karen Jones

      I have purchased a multi-vendor plugin from you and want to set up multi vendor shipping tables. I have purchased a plugin called shipping tables and they say for me to have shipping per product for each vendor

      My aim is any of the multi vendors in any part of the world can add two shipping prices one for local and one for international per product.

      example would be lives in china want to sell in china free to local or wants to sell anywhere else in the world $20 same example could be used if they live in russia

      i need to know if this plugin would be compatible with the multivendor plugin I have.

    • #25798
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Can you please know me which multi-vendor plugin you are using in?

      Just to mention, WCfM compatible with Per Product Shipping (

      And also with Table rate shipping for WC Marketplace.

      Thank You

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