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Need product list for vendors by ID

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Need product list for vendors by ID

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    • #132194


      I have created a plugin that creates geographical pages by County using URL Rewriting (for best SEO) and lists the vendors details and links.

      I want to get a list of products for each vendor on each page into an array so that I can also create a product gallery on that page.

      I can’t seem to find any code that works for this.

      Please Help…

      This is how far I have got so far…
      Art and Craft Shops in (UK County x)

      I have set the following globals at the top of my plugin, and I am using a bespoke page template:
      global $WCFM, $WCFMmp;

      And current code to get vendors:

      		$args = array(
          		'role'    => 'wcfm_vendor',
          		'orderby' => 'last_name',
          		'order'   => 'ASC',
      			'meta_query' => array(
      					'key'   => '_wcfm_state',
                      	'value' => $geo,
      					'compare' => 'LIKE',
      		// Get Users by Location
      		$users = get_users($args);
      		foreach ($users as $user)
       			$store_id = $user->ID;
      			$store_user	= wcfmmp_get_store($store_id);
      			// Get Store Info 
      			$store_info	= $store_user->get_shop_info();
      			$store = json_encode($store_info);

      And then looping through…

      I want to also get the products into an array for each vendor.

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