Order Export Facility in CSV

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  • Author
    • #10237
      Sheikh Md Osmani

      WC Vendor dashboard has the option to allow vendor to download the order info as a csv file. But I can’t see such option in the demo of WCFM ultimate. Is it integrated or not?

    • #10241
      WC Lovers


      Yeah it is integrated. You can export order data from reports page.
      Kindly check, if you have further query feel free to contact us.

      Thank You

    • #10244
      Sheikh Md Osmani


      What I can export is the sales report data . It is not the order data where the customers info and product info will be there. Also there will be order no and order date etc. It is available in wc vendor dashboard.

    • #10245
      Shhiv Narayan


      No that type of order data is not yet available.

      I will pass this as feature request to our development team, will be added in WCFM future version.

      Thank You

    • #10246
      Sheikh Md Osmani

      I am using WCFM ultimate. Please consider the following issues:

      1.Also when adding a product under simple product category variation option should not be available. But I can see that variation is available for all kinds of products.

      2.Also it should be great if the vendors can upload the products through csv.

      3. Also in mobile I can see that the dashboard is not showing properly. Not 100% responsive. For some pages my header shrinks to smaller size. The report page is loading correctly in desktop. But in mobile the page loading continues for undefined time and ultimately no content of report is being shown in mobile.

      4. Also product quick manager is not working properly.

      5.As some options are missing now can I enable WCFM for admin and allow vendors to use the wc vendor dashboard? How to perform such settings?

    • #10248
      WC Lovers


      I have just shared WCFM 2.3.0-beta version with you (rubab.iut@gmail.com), kindly install WCFM(FREE+Utimate) from here and you will find most of issues has been already resolved (specially responsive issues).

      1.Also when adding a product under simple product category variation option should not be available. But I can see that variation is available for all kinds of products. – Do you mean that, if you trying to add “simple” product type but you still can set “variation”? This is quite impossible, can you please send us screenshot of such for reference? I just want to mention here, you may see “variation” form HTML in page source but those are not executed other than “variable” or “variable subscription” product types.

      2.Also it should be great if the vendors can upload the products through csv. – You may use “WP All Import” or “WooCommerce Product Import/Export” for that purpose. But both these allow to import product from wp-admin area. If you can give us reference of any plugin which allow import from front end then we will happy to integrate that with WCFM. Product Import as WCFM core feature will take some time as import “Bookable” and “Subscription” product is really complex to implement.

      3. Also in mobile I can see that the dashboard is not showing properly. Not 100% responsive. For some pages my header shrinks to smaller size. The report page is loading correctly in desktop. But in mobile the page loading continues for undefined time and ultimately no content of report is being shown in mobile. – Please use “2.3.0-beta” version, all these are already fixed. Kindly clear your browser cache to check.

      4. Also product quick manager is not working properly. – what kind of issue you faced here, can you please describe a bit in details? Or it will be best if you can share screenshot.

      5.As some options are missing now can I enable WCFM for admin and allow vendors to use the wc vendor dashboard? How to perform such settings? – This is not possible.

      6. (Your first query) WC Vendor dashboard has the option to allow vendor to download the order info as a csv file. But I can’t see such option in the demo of WCFM ultimate. Is it integrated or not? – WC Vendor allow to download only a single order data in CSV, which is possible in WCFM as well. But in invoice format which will contains “customers info, product info, order no and order date etc.” In CSV format will be also part of WCFM 2.3.0 release. But bulk order export will be coming in future version.

      Thank You
      Shhiv Narayan
      Support WC Lovers

    • #10263
      Sheikh Md Osmani

      Thank you so much for sharing the new beta version. But it still has some issues.

      1. In the case of variation tab. some elements are not showing. I have attached the screenshot.

      2. In case of adding new product, when the category option is added, there is no option to restrict vendor with limited categories( i.e he/she can select maximum 1 or 2 categories etc.) In the the back end of wc vendor settings there is an option to to restrict vendor with limited categories. Although a vendor is limited to one category from the back end, from the front end of wcfm any no. of categories can be selected. Also the affiliate store option needs to be hidden from the vendor. Actually in wc vendor pro there is an option to hide different items from the product add/edit form for the case of vendors. If such items are made hidden from the back end that options should not be available in the frontend for the vendors in wcfm.

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    • #10269
      WC Lovers


      1. In the case of variation tab. some elements are not showing. I have attached the screenshot. – Yeah, our team is still working on that. As you can see it is totally new template for product manager, that’s why I told you its beta version.

      2. Yeah right, WC Vendor Pro provide lots of such options, but WCFM is not fully compatible with all those options. Our team is working on those. WCFM is not yet fully compatible with WC Vendors PRO. You also see some same kind of settings under “Product” and “Capabilities” tab of WC Vendors (Free version), those are fully integrated with WCFM. You may also hide “Affiliate” product type from there.

      Thank You

    • #10338
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM 2.3.1 has just released, kindly check with that.

      Thank You

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