Possible bug WCFM Ultimate and WooCommerce checkout

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Possible bug WCFM Ultimate and WooCommerce checkout

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  • Author
    • #10986

      For two days I have been experiencing problems with the WC checkout. After a few tests I find that by activating WCFM Ultimate the WC checkout page is blocked and does not finalize the order (in my case the booking), causing “?wc-ajax=checkout” fixed on pending.
      Deactivating WFMU, the whole process is fine.
      I think it’s a bug, if you can confirm and give me an answer, thank you.

    • #10994
      WCFM Forum


      Opps!! That’s really something serious but we didn’t hear something before.
      WCfM and WCfM Ultimate noway connected to WC Checkout, still debug this in depth.

      Can you please giv us some info:
      1. Which version of WCfM U you are using?
      2. What are the payment gateways you have?

      Thank You

    • #10998

      – I’m using WCFN U v.2.4.2 (I forgot to tell you that with WCFM 2.4.2 is working fine. Error is with the Ultimate version).
      – I’ve tested with stripe gateway and PayPal Express Checkout. Same problem for both

    • #10999
      WCFM Forum


      Well thanks for the informations.
      We are looking into it.

      Thank You

    • #11002

      Sorry but I found another problem.
      WCFM U is also compatible with WooCommerce vendors. I use it.
      In the frontend dashboard I noticed that with vendors (in both roles, vendor admin and vendor manager), clicking on the side menu several times between different menu tabs, after a few clicks the “Booking” tabs shows error 404. (try, you can also reproduce th ebug refreshing 4/5 times the Bookings page)
      Even the “Home” tab is not displayed correctly, the dashboard layout is not loaded.
      In both cases I checked with an inspection, it does not show any errors.

      Please try to see.
      thank you

    • #11004
      WCFM Forum


      These are really strange issues and most frusting for us we can’t generate these in our environment.

      Is it possible for you to share a dummy access of tour site with us?

      Thank You

    • #11005
      WCFM Forum

      Can you please do a favor for us !!
      Please take a test at our WooCommerce Vendors demo site, are you getting same errors or not?


      Thank You

    • #11006

      My problem is with WooCommerce Bookings plugin installed. I can’t see it in your demo. I refer to the problem of 404 error clicking on Bookings tab

    • #11008
      WCFM Forum

      Just installed, kindly check.
      Here is admin access also for you:
      Login: wcloverstest
      Password: wcloverstest@123

      Thanks for cooperation…

    • #11009

      Ok, thanks. In my environment I’ve a loto of settings parameters hide for vendors. I tried to uncheck all, and the 404 error clicking on Booking tab is disappeared. I tried to replicate the same configuration in yours but is working.
      After some tests I noticed that by not hiding some parameters in settings (in my case in the Types – from Bookable to Variable Subscriptions) I no longer had the error 404.
      I think it happens because it refers to a plugin that I have not installed and for various reasons WCFM does controls, and the permalinks after a bit make a mistake.

      I still have the problem with Checkout…

    • #11010
      WCfM Forum


      Ok, we will take a test with those types and check if there has some issue in WCfM or not.

      Are trying with checkout in our test site?
      If not then please check with PayPal, are you getting same issue or not ?

      Thank You

    • #11012

      I created a bokable product but how can I pay with paypal in the cheackout

    • #11013
      WCfM Forum


      Please don’t pay at demo site, its in PayPal sandbox mode.

      Are you getting payment options in checkout?

      Can you please tell us, in checkout where you actually stuck at your site for WCfM U?

      If you give us a screen shot that will be great!!

      Thank You

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