Problem with Vendor registration setup

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    • #78111

      Somehow suddenly the only thing showing on my vendor registration is the short code. I had mistakenly installed membership thinking that it was for customer memberships because the instructions through all of this is very unclear and incomplete. I am a novice, so this is making it VERY VERY HARD for me to get this set up.

      Secondly, When setting up custom fields in the vendor registration, it is not creating drop down nor check boxes. All I get is a single “options” field.

      Third, can someone explain why there is the same page on the Marketplace as there is on WCFM Options then click “here.” And there is no back end, just the front end work area. Is that right?

    • #78350

      I figured out my second question. I had to use | between each word.

    • #78960
      WCFM Forum


      No worries, you may contact us directly from here –

      We will do basic setup for you, and this is a FREE service.

      Thank You

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