problem with WCFM – Ultimate Categorie

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate problem with WCFM – Ultimate Categorie

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  • Author
    • #15023
      Rene Camadini

      Good day
      I have a problem with WCFM – Ultimate

      I have 27 main categories and 1912 sub-categories but do not issue install all though probably I have set number of categories to unegrent

    • #15039
      WCfM Forum


      Opps!! No is really quite large.

      Can you please tell me or show me a screenshot what kind of difficulties you are facing right now?

      Thank You

    • #15040
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #15068
      WCFM Forum


      Is this not saving at all or only if you add a large list here?

      Can me please show me WooCommerce Status screenshot of your system.

      Actually, there is a parameter called “post_max_size” – I think your data exceed that limit show it’s not saved in database.

      I am also looking for a solution to handle such a large list.

      Thank You for knowing us this issue.


    • #15226
      WCfM Forum

      Is there any update on this issue?

      Is this resolved for you?

      Please know me if I can do anything here!!

      Thank you

    • #15227

      That works now too.
      You simply do not specify categories then it works.
      Thank you

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